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What role do insurance companies play in personal injury claims?

On Behalf of | Sep 2, 2016 | Car Accidents

The fact of the matter is that insurance companies play a significant role in personal injury claims, as they commonly compensate the victim for the harm they have suffered as a result of their insured’s negligence. Based on the circumstances, insurance companies may be involved in different ways in a personal injury claim and multiple insurance companies may also be involved in a single personal injury claim.

Personal injury claims for damages following a car accident can take different courses and have different outcomes with the goal of always ensuring the victim is properly compensated for the damages they have suffered. Some personal injury claims may be resolved without the need of going to court, through negotiations and the settlement demand process. Settlement demands are commonly used to provide a statement of the victim’s injuries, the nature of the accident, the harm the victim has suffered, the liability of the negligent party and to place a demand for compensation for the harm suffered.

A settlement demand provides an option, if satisfied, to resolve the claim without the need to go to court or proceed further. A settlement demand typically includes a detailed statement of the facts of the accident, focuses on the fault of the party responsible for causing the accident, provides a detailed accounting of the damages suffered by the victim, including medical, financial and emotional damages, and states a demand for compensation for the damages the victim has suffered. A settlement demand is a basic statement of the victim’s claim for damages and of their personal injury case.

Personal injury claims for damages can be complicated. This can also be true of settlement demands and concerns that may arise, which is why it is important to have a thorough understanding of the process. Having proper guidance through the personal injury process can help victims ensure that they use the best approach when making their claim for the damages they have suffered.

Source: FindLaw, “Writing Demand Letters to Settle Personal Injury Claims,” Accessed Aug. 29, 2016
