When venturing out on the road in Roanoke, there’s a constant risk of an accident leading to a wrongful death. With any traffic incident, it’s possible that it can become a fatal car accident. Those who have been affected by the loss of a loved one need to understand what they must do after the accident. That includes pursuing a full investigation, seeking answers as to why the fatal car crash occurred and determining who is at fault.
A recent motor vehicle accident in Roanoke resulted in the death of two people. The investigation is still in its early stages, but when law enforcement and emergency personnel arrived they found a multi-vehicle crash. The people who died were in a single vehicle. Also in the vehicle was a two-year-old child secured in a car seat. The child was uninjured. In another vehicle, three people were hurt and hospitalized. The investigation as to how this crash occurred is ongoing.
Many things must be considered after a fatal car crash or any wrongful death incident. There might be medical costs due to the accident that were incurred prior to the death. The decedent might have been the main source of income in a household, and the death has left a family without a way of making ends meet. Given all the issues that will come to the forefront, it’s not the time to be making life-changing decisions. However, insurers will often contact the victims’ family members and try to offer a settlement to preclude a legal filing. Accepting such an offer before the circumstances have been investigated may be a mistake.
In this case, two people died in a crash that is still being examined to determine its cause. Those who have lost loved ones need to understand the various issues they face. In cases like these, the victim’s survivors may want to consult with a professional for help with coming to grips with what happened and pursuing compensation.
Source: wdbj7.com, “Two killed in early morning crash on Williamson Road in Roanoke,” Jan. 31, 2015