Are You One Of The Many Injured On A Motorcycle?
It’s important to note that collisions involving motorcycles tend to have devastating effects on the motorcycle rider that far exceed those of a person driving a car.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle riders have a 26 times greater fatality rate per mile driven than drivers of passenger vehicles.
When The Worst-Case Scenario Happens, We Are Here For You
Contrary to the public perception of motorcyclists as thrill-seekers, most bikers are safe and law-abiding on the roads. However, you cannot control other vehicles, and drivers are notorious for failing to share the roads with motorcycles.
It only takes a split second of distraction for a driver to bump, sideswipe or rear-end a motorcycle. Unfortunately, the outcome is often far more serious for the biker. You could end up with permanent and debilitating injuries.
When such a collision occurs, drivers will often attempt to place the blame on the motorcyclist. Obtaining legal representation can help you fight back more effectively to obtain the compensation you deserve.
If you or a loved one has been involved in a motorcycle accident, it is important to protect your rights. Contact our firm – one of the largest plaintiffs’ personal injury law firms in Southwest Virginia. Call 888.699.7611 for a free consultation.
Effective Advocates
Motorcycle accidents can happen anytime, anywhere. You may have lost control around a sharp curve on a back road. A driver may have collided with you on the interstate. A car or truck may have blindsided you at an intersection.
Regardless of what happened, you may be entitled to compensation. It is important to explore your rights sooner rather than later.
At Crandall & Katt, Attorneys at Law, we provide compassionate representation for those injured in motorcycle accidents. Our Roanoke-area lawyers have more than 100 years of combined experience fighting for the rights of accident victims. We are caring professionals who are passionate about helping injured individuals and their families. When you contact us for a free consultation, we can evaluate any claims you may have and navigate the legal process so you can focus on recovering.
Motorcycle Accident FAQ
After a serious accident, you need to take action to protect your rights and ability to claim compensation. One of the best things you can do for yourself and your family is to educate yourself about the basic principles of the law regarding personal injury compensation.
What should I do after a motorcycle accident?
The most important thing is to obtain medical treatment. After that, we strongly recommend calling a personal injury lawyer, even before you report the accident to your insurance company.
The reason for this is that you may compromise your case by inadvertently revealing information that your insurance company or the other driver’s insurance company could use to minimize the compensation it pays.
At Crandall & Katt, Attorneys at Law, we take proactive measures to protect our clients’ rights, preserve critical evidence and prepare the ground for successful legal actions. We will work diligently to obtain the full and fair compensation you deserve.
I have motorcycle insurance separate from my automobile coverage. How will this affect the process of obtaining compensation?
It shouldn’t slow the process down to any appreciable degree. It could increase the amount of compensation you receive, because it may be possible to stack the policies. Our attorneys understand insurance coverage and the claims process. When representing you, we will work hard to maximize the compensation you receive from all sources.
What if I wasn’t wearing a helmet when I crashed my bike?
This will not affect your rights regarding compensation. Your own insurance policy and potentially the policies of other parties responsible for the accident could provide compensation.
What kind of damages can I get in a motorcycle accident case?
In a case involving serious injuries, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical costs, lost income, pain and suffering, and other economic and noneconomic losses. If the driver of the other vehicle was drunk, you may even be able to obtain punitive damages, though in Virginia, you cannot seek compensation from the drinking establishment that served alcohol to the drunk driver. In your case, Crandall & Katt, Attorneys at Law will calculate the full value of your losses and seek maximum compensation for you.
Who is most likely to die in a motorcycle crash?
You might assume that men in their early 20s are at the highest risk. That is incorrect. According to statistics from the Virginia Highway Safety Office, the top age groups for motorcycle fatalities are (in order):
- 56 to 60
- 26 to 30
- 51 to 55
- 46 to 50
- 21 to 25
Of motorcycle fatalities, 95% of the victims are men, according to state statistics.
Who is most likely to be injured in a motorcycle crash?
According to statistics from the Virginia Highway Safety Office, the top age groups for injuries in motorcycle accidents are (in order):
- 21 to 25
- 26 to 30
- 31 to 35
- 46 to 50
- 51 to 55
While 95% of motorcycle fatalities involve men, the statistics are not as lopsided with injuries: 85% of people injured in motorcycle accidents are men.
What should I do at the scene of the accident?
Your health comes first in any accident. If you or anyone else needs medical attention, call an ambulance. Then, if you are able to safely move about the scene, gather photos and videos of the crash site. Be sure to collect the contact, car and insurance information of the other driver as well.
Do I need to call the police?
Calling the police after an accident is always the best decision. They can help address any emergencies, collect their own evidence in the accident, develop a police report that can bolster your claim and begin the cleanup process to ensure public safety. The police are often more effective at gathering witness testimony while it is still available and detaining the liable driver (if necessary).
How can I prove the other driver’s liability?
In order to prove liability in a personal injury claim, we can collect evidence such as dashcam footage, witness testimony, security camera footage and police reports to build the strongest claim we can in these cases. These thorough measures can help eliminate any doubt about who is liable for your injuries.
What are the common injuries in these accidents?
Depending on the vehicles involved in a motor vehicle accident, some injuries are more common than others. In motorcycle accidents, the rider often experiences injuries, including traumatic brain injuries, road rash, burns, broken bones, skull fractures, paralysis and death. These injuries can have a lifetime of complications, which is why you want to be sure your personal injury lawyer can help you secure compensation that you can depend on for the duration of your injuries and recovery process.
Contact Our Motorcycle Accident Lawyers Serving Roanoke, Including Southwest And Central Virginia
Our firm is dedicated to placing your needs first. Our experienced attorneys and strong support staff will be readily accessible to address any concerns you may have. We take pride in offering effective, high-quality representation. Additionally, we handle all fees on a contingency basis, which means you will pay no attorney fees* unless your case is settled or won at trial.
To arrange a free initial consultation and obtain a professional evaluation of your case, call Crandall & Katt, Attorneys at Law at 888.699.7611. We offer evening and weekend appointments as well as off-site visits.
Because if you’re injured, we care!
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*Excludes costs and expenses.