Protecting individuals on the roadways, as well as when they have been harmed in a car accident, is an important concern for everyone. The Department of Motor Vehicles reported that teenage driver deaths are already higher in Virginia in 2015 than last year in 2014. An increased focus has been placed on teen safety when driving and having discussions with teens related to driver safety. Authorities will randomly monitor high school parking lots and provide prizes to drivers and passengers wearing seatbelts and engaging in other safe driving behaviors.
Another focus for teens is distracted driving which causes car accidents involving teens and others. Parents are encouraged to refrain from texting their children when they are aware they may be driving and not to contribute the problem of distracted driving.
The Department of Motor Vehicles provides additional safety guidance to teens and other drivers to remain safe on the roadways including putting away distractions, including cell phones, food, makeup and other distractions while driving; obeying posted speed limits, following the rules of the road and driving according to the weather conditions; not driving drunk or after taking drugs; and not driving on too little rest. Safety guidelines help protect everyone on the roads, however, when a victim has been injured by a negligent or careless driver, they may suffer serious damages as a result.
Because of the high cost of car accidents for victims, legal options are available to protect them when harmed. Victims may be able to recover damages they have suffered, including medical expenses, lost wages or lost-earning capacity and pain and suffering damages, depending on the unique circumstances of each accident, from the driver responsible for the accident. In addition, surviving family members of victims killed in a fatal car accident may be able to recover damages for the harm suffered from the driver responsible for the accident. While it is always important for drivers to be familiar with safety guidelines, it is also important for car accident victims to be familiar with protections designed to help them.
Source:, “DMV: Teen Driving Deaths Increasing in Virginia,” Valerie Bragg, Oct. 22, 2015