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Understanding the difference between an open and closed TBI

On Behalf of | Mar 7, 2019 | Brain Injuries

An injury to the head is one of the worst and most severe injuries one could suffer. Therefore, when a head trauma occurs, victims require immediate medical attention. Even if it does not appear to be a serious matter initially, symptoms of a brain injury do not always show up at first. A brain injury does not always evolve the same way, making it imperative that head trauma victims understand whether or not he or she has suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and what options are available to them.

It is estimated that around 2.4 million individuals experience a TBI each year. These injuries can be complex, and the severity and effect of them can vary greatly depending on the type of brain injury. In fact, there are many reasons why not all brain injuries look the same. This goes beyond how the injury occurred but also the location of the injury.

A TBI can be broken down into two types. This includes an open brain injury and a closed brain injury. With regards to an open brain injury, these are also referred to as penetrating injuries. These occur when an object enters the brain. In a car accident, metal, glass and other objects could enter the brain, and depending on the location of the injury, this could range from a mild to severe brain injury.

In comparison, a closed brain injury involves internal pressure and shearing. Oftentimes, these injuries are caused by blunt trauma. In a car accident, a victim could suffer a closed brain injury from having their head hit the side window, steering wheel or another part of a vehicle. Depending on the amount of force and the location of the head injury, one could suffer a brain injury ranging from a concussion to a serious head trauma.

A TBI could effect a person for the rest of his or her life. This means that one is faced with ongoing medical bills. Additionally, one could be deemed disabled because of this injury, causing them to put a halt on their education and even their career. Thus, it is important to understand what legal recourses are available.


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