Injury Lawyers Who Truly Care

Car crash kills young woman in Virginia

On Behalf of | Jun 26, 2014 | Car Accidents

The car accidents that Virginia residents experience can be very different. While some are small annoyances that simply cause people to be late for work, others are so serious that they cause significant injuries and even deaths. Many car accidents are caused by negligent drivers who are unaware of how dangerous their driving behaviors can be and in some cases tragic events occur with devastating results.

A young woman was killed when her vehicle was struck by another on a road outside of Richmond. She was driving south on Old Osborne Turnpike in Henrico County when a vehicle traveling north crossed over into her lane on a curve. Another vehicle was hit by the wrong-way driver but no further injuries or deaths are reported.

The car crash victim was a graduate of Longwood University and had also attended high school in state. People who live near where the accident site note that it is a hazardous stretch where accidents are not unexpected. Even though some could have foreseen the possibility of a car crash the loss of this young woman is no less unfortunate.

At 23, the victim had a full life ahead of her. There is little doubt that her family will struggle with her loss and the decisions they will have to make regarding arrangements for her funeral and burial. Outside of those upsetting decisions they will also have to decide if they will pursue their damages through a civil lawsuit.

Civil lawsuits based on negligence and recklessness are available in some cases when people lose their lives. Virginia attorneys who practice personal injury can provide guidance on how such claims proceed. However, before any legal determinations can be made a family will have to say goodbye to a loved one and endure the grieving that occurs when a young life is lost.

Source:, “Longwood, Varina graduate Melissa Haislip killed in crash,” Scott Wise and Sandra Jones, June 19, 2014


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