5 Tips for Reducing and Preventing Pedestrian Accidents
Pedestrian accidents can cause serious injuries or even death. Fortunately, there are several steps that both drivers and pedestrians can take to stay safe.
Picture this: it’s a beautiful summer morning and you’d like to go for a jog before work. You get dressed, tie your shoes, and head outside to start your workout. You’re nearly done with your relaxing jog when the unthinkable happens: you’re struck by a car and injured. Whether your injuries are minor or severe, being hit by a car can be a life-altering experience. Each year, Americans experience personal injuries when they are injured by moving vehicles. According to the CDC, at least 137,000 pedestrians are treated for nonfatal injuries, while nearly 6,000 people are killed by vehicles. If you’re looking for ways to prevent or reduce the number of pedestrian accidents, there are several steps you can take.
1. Wear reflective clothing.
If you jog or walk on the sidewalk or on the road, make sure you wear reflective clothing that makes you visible to drivers. Some drivers may struggle to seek pedestrians, especially when it’s dark outside. Wearing a reflective vest or belt can improve your own visibility so that drivers know you’re there and can avoid you.
2. Pay attention to vehicles.
While you may have the right-of-way while crossing the street, make sure you pay attention to vehicles. Watch for drivers who may be speeding or distracted. Unfortunately, it’s important that you pay careful attention so that even if a driver isn’t watching for you, you can take care to avoid a collision.
3. Be aware of the weather.
If you’re jogging or walking in the rain, remember that vehicles may not be able to easily see you. Make sure you take extra steps to stay as visible as possible. For drivers, it’s essential to pay careful attention to the road when the weather is windy, rainy, or foggy. Just as you struggle to see pedestrians in poor weather conditions, they may also struggle to see you.
4. Avoid distracted driving.
Make sure you’re paying attention when you’re behind the wheel. Don’t talk on the phone, text anyone, or try to read your email while you’re driving. Paying close attention can help prevent serious pedestrian accidents. It’s also important that you don’t “space off” while driving. Pay careful attention to other vehicles, as well as anyone who may be walking or running near the road.
5. Give pedestrians plenty of room.
Make sure that you give pedestrians more room than you think they’ll need. Even if they’re on the side of the road, they could trip or fall in front of your vehicle. Giving them plenty of space can help prevent you from clipping someone who may be running. Additionally, it’s a good idea to slow down when you’re passing someone who is walking near the road.
If you’ve been injured by a vehicle and you’d like to seek compensation for your injuries, reach out to the professionals at Crandall &Katt, Attorney at Law who can offer you guidance during this time. Call today at 1-888-699-7611 to schedule a consultation.